Cole Boake Already Knows His College Destination

Cole Boake's life -- not just his various athletic endeavors -- became transformed by listening to his tennis coach. "When I was little, I was having trouble with the mental aspect of my tennis game," Boake explained. "I would get nervous, anxious and very emotional. David Crouzet (the Director of Tennis at the Belvedere Tennis Club) worked with me, getting me to focus on controlling my breathing. My mental game has now turned from a weakness to one of my biggest strengths now, in both tennis and basketball. His advice has even helped me with my test-taking."

The 6-foot-4 University High and Bay City Warriors 2024 talent has advanced so far that he committed very early in mid-July to academically prestigious Claremont-Mudd-Scripps (CMS) in southern California. 

Why the high academic D3 school? "(University Assistant Coach) Alex Smith put me in touch with the Claremont staff when I was a sophomore and I went down for a visit. It felt like home. I liked the coaches, the facilities and the campus (where five schools co-exist on one campus). Then (CMS) Head Coach Ken Scalmanini saw me play at a camp."

"On Spring break, I visited a number of the East Coast schools, 10 overall, but none of them compared to CMS. My Dad talked with all the coaches and my Mom looked over the academics." Boake created a Google ratings spreadsheet assigning points for various categories. "My early connection there remained strong."

In detailing his best basketball skills, Boake quickly offered "my IQ. I'm not the most athletic so there's no blowing by guys solely with speed. I had to develop ways to succeed. I'm more strategic and very polished with my footwork and I get to the basket well. I model my game after Luka Doncic," a 6-foot-7 All Star point/shooting guard with the Dallas Mavericks. In a scoring explosion this summer, Boake totaled 39 points in a Section 7 semi-final pairing.

Boake also added, "I see myself very much as a leader and take pride in my leadership." Playing both basketball and tennis for University High, he is a captain on each team. "My teammates look to me to speak up."

As for his best hoops memories, Boake offered, "It was in a first-round game versus #3 ranked Jesuit High in a tournament. We came in as a 14th seed. We beat them by seven. What made it special is that every guy showed up -- our t-e-a-m beat their t-e-a-m."

Boake is looking to major in environmental science. "I picked up a passion for green solutions this year."

Boake has been accepted, having earlier sent in his transcripts for approval. "I was shaking with so much joy and I'm so happy with my choice. It takes the pressure off."

But his senior 2023-24 season as the foremost University High player team leader comes first. 

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